- (Data)

A comprehensive accounting management solution built on the Microsoft Power BI platform. This platform provides online features and services for intuitive data handling and visualization with just a few clicks.


Transform your business with decisions based on data intelligence.

Cerebrum.Data brings a revolution in the way you make strategic decisions. By merging financial reports and business intelligence, we provide tangible information that drives your business and marketing strategies. Our unique approach allows you to quickly respond to sales trends and customer behavior, ensuring a competitive edge in the dynamic market environment.

In the age of information, data is the new currency. Our Power BI experts specialize in transforming complex datasets into clear, actionable insights.

  • Data Mastery: From data analysis to intricate advice, we unveil the story behind the numbers.
  • Interactive Reporting: Our custom-built dashboards offer a window into your business’s performance, enabling data-driven decisions.
  • Forecasting and Strategy: With predictive analytics, we not only interpret the present but also forecast future trends to keep you steps ahead.

What we do

Instant access to all company data anytime, anywhere with internet access.
Data Visualization from Business Systems
Comprehensive insights into company operations and overall performance.
Data Analysis and Reporting
Acceleration of the managerial decision-making process in strategic management.
Immediate view of the current state of the company
KPI metrics for tracking the success of activities, employees, projects.
KPI from the perspective of managerial needs

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Our office

  • Bratislava
    Konopná 14
    821 05, Bratislava, Slovakia